Collaboration of Digital Nomads Observatory with Infinity Greece
January 25, 2021
Collaboration with Hügge Space and Hügge Consult in Paphos
January 30, 2021The new era is a fact. The pandemic is simply accelerating the moment of its universal application. As a result, the global trend in tourism is changing. Those familiar with digital technology see an opportunity. Local authorities are looking for ways to deal with the economic hardship in former tourist destinations. The Municipality of Rhodes invites those who can and want to work online living on the island, while offering installation facilities and services with “high speeds”. Developers, designers, graphic designers, online business providers, writers, journalists, ie those who work with a PC or laptop and can be located anywhere in the world. Distance working causes stress for many, who fear the radical changes in their working status. But it is law-abiding. Evolution will overtake them. It is estimated that by 2035 the highly educated digital nomads will exceed 1 billion.